August 21, 2003
Hello, my friend. How you been?

Finally! I know you've been chomping at the bit to find out how everything went, and the wait is over. Start back on the 31st of July for the recap of the wedding/honeymoon saga, and then meet me back here. Okay? Go now.

Austin and I have been getting settled in to the new place. Have I mentioned yet my couch won't fit inside the house? It's in the garage until Austin's gets moved in too, and we plan on tearing out the garage door to fit them inside. We were doing nothing but house stuff nonstop this week, and I just about snapped. I am definitely a person who likes her routine and needs a little safe zone. Here, changing houses, changing states, changing jobs, changing everything has me pretty rattled. We finally took a break last night to go for a picnic/barbecue in the local park because I really needed a chance to relax. Austin wants to get moved in as soon as possible (and so do I) but it has been too much too soon.

Work is fine, but it's just another thing that's different. The people seem very nice but I'm constantly on guard to be cheerful and make the right impression, which is not how I want to feel right now. If I was this way back at the old job I'd just hole up in my office for a few days until I felt better, but I have to shove it down and act like I'm okay.

The attitudes are moderately different here, it's not that they're more mature but they seem to really like the 9-5 schedule and are just more corporate. I'm still stressing about wardrobe since they all dress very nicely, and I am just not comfortable in anything more than blue jeans. Just another transition I need to make, I suppose. It would help if I actually liked shopping and didn't mind getting all new clothes. As it is, I look wistfully at my collection of t-shirts when I get ready in the morning.

Posted by Janine at August 21, 2003 05:01 PM
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