August 14, 2005

After two years we finally had a bbq party at our place. It was a nice time to grill out, play beanbags, and show off all the work we've done. I do know why we haven't done this yet, it's a lot of work! Most of Friday and early Saturday was spent in a frenetic house-cleaning and food-preparing frenzy. Bu the place looked great, folks had a lot of fun, and we still have plenty of leftover hamburgers. mmm, hamburgers.

his mornign I drove down to Rosemont for the stitches knitting festival. I showed remarkable restraint and only came back with a few things, the most notable being a drop spindle and some fiber. Once I finish my socks and my bag, I thought I'd give spinning my own yarn a try. They gave me a crash course, we'll see how much of it stuck.

Posted by Janine at August 14, 2005 09:33 PM

Be careful not to prick your finger, or you'll never get your "to do" list done after your "nap".
And Dad says if a little dude shows up to help you, remember his name is Rumplestilskin.

Posted by: Mombo on August 16, 2005 04:41 PM
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