September 25, 2003
It's a beauty boat

This is so cool. I am all about the eventual playing cards that you can sneakily change suits. Look, five aces! We'll get there someday.

In other wonderful news, we picked up our kayak yesterday. It's a beautiful boat, in a lovely shade of red and is quite responsive. We didn't get it home until 6:30 and took it out to a little lake by us so we could both do two little circles before taking it home. There's no way you can get such a fun toy, look at it, and say "Welp, let's put it away for the winter." I'd like to take it out again soon, but all week is supposed to unseasonably cold and windy. Hopefully next week it will warm up a bit. We were strapping it back onto the car last night in the dark, I'd like some more time to get to know how it acts.

The rest of our days have been busy. I'm still forcing myself to get my butt out of my office and get involved at work, since my natural instict is to just hidey-hole up surfing the net. Bad bad bad. Home is fun with the new Mac, and California was a nice trip too. I have my first tae-kwon-do class here after work, so this week is going by nicely. I was looking forward to a nice weekend at home to get a lot more things put away, but we're helping his friend move on Saturday and there might be some fun stuff happening later on, too. I wish the weeks were 8 days long, with an extra day off work in the middle of the week.

Posted by Janine at September 25, 2003 12:51 PM
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