November 28, 2005
Long Day

Just got home from California. Flight was supposed to arrive into Chicago at 7:40pm. Didn't arrive until 11:30pm.

Tired. Need Sleep. Will swear at weather delays in my dreams.

Posted by Austin at 01:23 AM
November 20, 2005
Not dead yet

Some of you know how we've taught our doggie to not come upstairs under threat of dunking in the bath tub (it keeps the dog hair upstairs minimal, especially when the dog sheds for months at a time). Some of you may also be aware that we now let Sydney sleep wherever she wants downstairs at night... even though she eventually elevts to sleep in her kennel.

Well, the past two mornings have found a small, sniffing ball of fluff waltzing around our upstairs bedroom. I think it's a subtle request to be taken out for a walk. Janine thinks puppy is trying to stalk us while we sleep.

In other news, I'm going to Sweden and Germany in 2 weeks. More on that later. :-)

Posted by Austin at 09:58 PM