May 22, 2004
Start Building The Ark

I have two minds regarding this apocalyptic rain we're experiencing in the Midwest right now.

On one hand, I agree with Abby's view of these storms being absolutely breathtaking and beautiful. It would be nicer if it was during the daytime so you could see more of the storms, but the premise still remains.

Then there's the other half of my brain that worries if the car is locked and windows rolled up (yes and yes), are all the windows closed in the house (yes, is the power going to go out in the middle of this post (we'll see), is hail falling on my car while it's sitting outside while we have crap piled in the garage (probably not, but that's why we have insurance)... you see where I"m going with this.


Posted by Austin at May 22, 2004 10:56 PM