April 15, 2004
Time To Blog

I found my front page completely void of entries this morning, which means that either MovableType no longer likes me, or it's time to post something.

I'm quickly gearing up for yet another trip to France at the end of the month. This one will have a little more meaning, though, since we've redesigned our board to work out all of the kinks and problems with the prototype design. We're also going to build about 5 times what we built last time, which is a lot of boards! I'm hoping that I have more free time during the day, though. Angers was a cool city that I'd like to see while everything open. ;-)

I'm playing hockey tonight. I got an invite from a friend who I play with during my classes, saying his team would like to have an extra goalie at some of their practices. The bad news is that the rink is about 45 minutes from home and the practice runs until 10:30pm. Noone ever said hockey players get good skate time, though. Kinda reminds me of 12:30am games at Yost.

Other than that, I'm just trying to stay sane. Maybe a few pucks shot at my head will clear the air...

Posted by Austin at April 15, 2004 05:49 PM