August 27, 2003
Fast Forward

So I've been traveling at the speed of light recently. I tend to get into a funk where I get incredibly focused on what I'm doing and tend to do things at a dizzying speed. Granted, to me everything seems fine and I just feel like I'm trying to get something done. Apparently, any sane person who sees me in the middle of said funk thinks I'm on speed or crank.

It's something I've done since college, mainly when I studied. I'd get in a grove, and before I knew it a few hours would have passed. There were plenty of times where I wouldn't eat because I was in that grove and didn't feel hungry. I think that's how I managed to loose the Freshman 15 instead of gaining it.

I don't really know what kind of point I was going to make when I started writing this post, but I have a sinking suspicion that if I don't slow down someone in our humble home is going to have a meltdown... and those aren't fun from either perspective.

Posted by Austin at August 27, 2003 05:34 PM

in the grove. of oranges. tee hee hee.

Posted by: D on August 27, 2003 10:23 PM

That's a good relaxation technique...

I am a type-o... a simple type-o...

Posted by: Austin on August 28, 2003 07:40 AM

you know what? your typos are my favorites. they truly are. because they add a whole other level of humor to already-good posts. me, if i typo, it's usually something lame like "becasue" or "oaky."

Posted by: D on August 28, 2003 03:54 PM

I love oaky! Everything must be oaky! Our new checks are oaky!

And you're never going to believe me, but one of the above was a typo to the actual "okay".

Posted by: Janine on August 29, 2003 04:56 AM

Well, it was 5am when you wrote the comment. I think that's allowable.

Posted by: Austin on August 29, 2003 08:31 AM
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