April 02, 2003

So here I am, all nice and comfortable in my robe at home. It's a nice, bright, sunny day, and I have the chance to work from home today by bringing my computer home and connecting to work's networks via broadband...

That is if my ethernet port would work.

I stick the cable in, and nothing happens - no little blinking lights, no ability to find the connection. Something like this happened to my computer over the weekend, but since I was getting ready to shut it down I didn't care that much. No I have to drag my butt all the way to the office to call for tech support. Here's how I see this playing out...

Me: Yeah - my computer's busted, and I called for you to come out here about 4 hours ago! Anyway, I think that the ethernet port isn't being recognized by the computer anymore... and I think it's hardware related, not software. Tech Support Geek: Duuuuu... okay. Let's try plugging it in to the wall. Me: I already tried that. It didn't work. TSG: But I need to see it and confirm it. I let the TSG play with the computer for all of 10 minutes TSG: Yup... it's busted. Looks like we'll have to send it to Dell for repsirs. Me: Cripes! How long will that take. TSG: Duuuuu... about two weeks.

Just in time for me to return from Texas when I'll need my computer the most. *crapinahat*

Posted by Austin at April 02, 2003 08:32 AM

As a former tech support geek, I resent your stereotyping. We have to check it, since we don't know the person handing it to us. And while you think we're all dumb, we think you're all morons. It works out nicely.

Posted by: Janine on April 2, 2003 01:12 PM

Actually, the tech guy who came to my cube was very nice and knowledgable. The phone support guys suck more than half the time, though.

Actual conversation...

Me: The ethernet port on my laptop is not working. I need someone to come over and check it out and request a hardware repair.
TSG: Ok. Now, is it a laptop of a desktop?
Me: ... *shakes head* Laptop.
TSG: Ok. I'll note on the request that you're having problems getting an ethernet connection.
Me: But it's the ethernet port that's the problem.
TSG: If I write 'port' in the help request, though, then they'll just go look at only the port.
Me: But that's where the problem is!


Posted by: Austin on April 2, 2003 02:29 PM
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