March 12, 2003
Gimme Drugs!

In my sickly haze, I forgot how good NyQuil is. I managed to stagger to the drugstore last night and picked up the every-so-popular combination of NyQuil and DayQuil. One icky cup of green nastiness and forty-five minutes later I was in dreamland... and I slept deeper than Rip Van Winkel for the first time in 4 days. I can't believe I didn't think of drugging myself earlier!

I'm currently hopped up on DayQuil and it's definitely helping. The past two workdays have had me feeling progressively worse throughout the day, but it's already lunchtime and I'm not nearly as crappy-feeling. Wahoo!!

I don't think I'll be un-sick by tomorrow, but here's hoping!

Posted by Austin at March 12, 2003 11:22 AM
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