February 27, 2003
Fun like a....

I should have posted about this yesterday, but I didn't. I'm sure you don't mind the delay.

A while back I went to a Corner Bakery restaurant for lunch. They had one of those fishbowls you can drop your business card in for a change to win something, so being the sucker I am I put one in. Fast forward to Wednesday >> It turns out I won the drawing and won a dessert basket full of good-good stuff like brownies, cookies, and other good-but-not-good-for-you treats. Damned if I wasn't the most popular cube to visit yesterday.

Leaving for the airport soon. My ride wanted to leave at 4pm, but my flight doesn't leave until 7pm. Good thing I've got some magazines and calligraphy stuff to work on. Oh, yeah... did I mention I'm taking a calligrphy course?

See ya in Meecheegan!

Posted by Austin at February 27, 2003 04:03 PM

i can do calligraphy. we can calligraphy together!

Posted by: D on February 27, 2003 11:04 PM
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