November 27, 2002

So Neener and I will be flying down south to Texas for Turkey Day (a.k.a. Thanksgiving) to see my 7-month pregnant step-sister and her hubby. The bad news - he's an avid tOSU fan (even though he never went to the damn school), and he loves to poke fun at me. The good news - I've got Janine to help double-team him.

Hubby: Ya know how I kept telling you how Michigan sucked this year?
Me: Yeah, but did I tell you how our Michigan doesn't need "tutors" to pass classes like Underwater Basket Weaving or Rioting and Looting 101?
J9: Don't forget Bonfires 203 and Proper Ways to Tip Cars!
Me: Oh, yeah. And we don't even offer Tear Gas - The Lie.

Now, if I could only be as funny in real life...

Posted by Austin at November 27, 2002 03:15 PM
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