November 03, 2002

Sorry for lack of blog activity. Not too much blog-worthy, and I haven't been in much of a blog mood recently.

I had a bunch of little kids trick-or-treating in my building on Halloween. I had one kid dressed up in a white t-shirt with red spots on it (blood stains, duh) and a fake pistol.
Me: So, what are you supposed to be?
Kid (in fake scratchy voice): Well... umm... I was in the war... but I came back... staggers back a few steps, clutches chest in fake pain
Me: Uh huh... just take the Snickers, k?

In other news, Janine was out here this weekend. You don't wanna know how much moolah we dropped this weekend... but I think it could have equalled the GDP of some third-world African Nation.

Now's the point where I post this, shut down the computer and go to sleep only to wake up 6 hours later... umm... how about now.... no? Then... umm...

... now.

Posted by Austin at November 03, 2002 10:34 PM
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