July 24, 2003
Hey look at him, and where he is these days.

So, I'm halfway moved. All of my belongings except for plants, aerosols, jewlery, files, and wedding duds are currently in the back of a truck somewhere in Illinois, driven by two shady characters. I never trust anyone with a curly mullet unless I absolutely have to, and I feel as if this fear is well-founded. The last time I moved they had me all packed and were gone by 2, you could tell they do this all the time. These different guys weren't finished until after 6 and were huffing and puffing and wheezing. If you carry boxes for a living, I would've thought you'd be in better shape. Perhaps it's the mullet slowing him down with all the aerodynamic drag.

I feel rather cynical tonight. I finished up my last day of work with a fantastic performance review, I really think they're quite upset to see me go. Driving out here I was a mix of exhausted and manic so I kept myself busy with some gummi bears, but I crashed shortly after arriving. And even though I was not happy in Bay City, what with the concealed weapons and motorcycles and hunters, I really miss some of the people already. I keep thinking about how nice some of them were, and it's just now hitting me that I'm not going to see some of them again, and the ones I do see it'll be different. I hate the awkward "so, what's new with you" conversations with old friends. Either snap back into what we both were or just wave and keep walking.

I told Stevie it's good to end it like Seinfeld did (on a high note) and he brought up the excellent point that hatred sometimes stems from a feeling of being trapped. I do know I'm moving on to bigger and better things, and I think it's good I left before I went nuts. Still, it's just a last lingering fear of totally changing your life again and leaving much of what was familiar. The saddest part? My empty key ring. I find it depressing to have only my car key on there.

Posted by Janine at July 24, 2003 09:33 PM

Preach it sista, I can relate. I had my car moved for me when I came up here, so I had a -completely- empty key ring, which I too noted as mildly depressing. I was technically homeless and stuff-less for one night. I was sad to say goodbye to all the people in AZ, and also almost equally sad to say goodbye to Arizona itself. So lets hope, for both of us, that we are done shifting around for a while.

Posted by: Shawn on July 25, 2003 12:11 AM

call up your dad and he can send you spare keys from the big ring in the garage.
what's that one for, janine? BURIED TREASURE!

Posted by: D on July 25, 2003 12:29 AM

Someone who got laid off at work once told me that his last year would have been so much better if he had only known how nice people were just waiting to be. If only he had heard earlier how much people appreciated him, he wouldn't have found it to be so unbearable working there. I guess I don't have anything particularly wise to say on how to apply this life lesson, but you're not alone in feeling that way.

Posted by: Steve on July 25, 2003 12:36 AM
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