June 19, 2003
have a fruit roll up!

Please welcome to the wonderful world of blogging Steve, my brother! And while he's only been here a week, he's already worlds beyond the rest of us. Yeah, really he just needed that link so he can check out that nifty trackback feature. I never set that up for MT since it just seems like remote commenting to me. Either that, or looking through your referral logs.

I'm on my way out to Chicago this weekend, we're looking at houses on friday and then hanging out with Robin and Bob after that. The house thing is freaking me out since he's got it narrowed down to four already and I feel like I've been left out of the loop. It's such a huge purchase and we're making it in a big fat hurry so I can move in before the wedding, I don't know if I'm ready for that. Granted, our focused area is pretty small, we're pretty specific on what we want, and being all new construction I don't think we'll find any problems. It just seems like this is all waaay too easy.

Posted by Janine at June 19, 2003 03:14 PM

Thank you, thank you. Hmm... no trackbacks yet. Can you see the little moon icon next to the URL in your browser? I'm not sure whether mac IE supports Favicons. Mozilla and IE 5.5/6 should be fine.

Posted by: Steve on June 19, 2003 04:52 PM
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