April 28, 2003

Last night after Austin left I spent some quality time with my car. I washed it, waxed it, cleaned and armor-alled the inside, washed the windows, and shone up the tires. I then took my foxy self cruising around town to get some groceries and had the stereo blasting bass with the windows down. I was feeling pretty cool and pulled up behind a young guy at a stoplight who was checking me out in his rearview mirror. Act cool, act cool. He then leans over to get a piece of paper towel, twirls it into a cone, and proceeds to clean out his ears with it. Eeew. Never mind! Even if I don't act cool, there's no way I could act any less cool than that. No wonder there's no young people here, all the regular sane ones have fled screaming.

Posted by Janine at April 28, 2003 10:51 AM
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